He had two accidents in less than 2 hours in public. The second one I can take the blame for, as it had been about 1 hour since his last accident. But the first one? I had JUST taken him to the toilet. He swore he didn't have to go. Not even 2 min later he was peeing in middle of the kids book store. Seriously!!! FUCK!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I can't force him to pee and I normally don't get mad at him for having an accident, but he just refuses to give a shit and it is really really really getting under my skin. He has complete control, he knows he's supposed to go potty in the toilet. But he is refusing. I don't want to punish him for having accidents but seriously he needs to indicate to me when he has to go.
I try so hard not to get mad, to not turn this into a power struggle but fuck it is hard.
1 year ago
As I don't have kids I have no idea what you're going through, but I can imagine it's incredibly frustrating! You're a great parent and I hope that monkey figures out soon (!) that he's lucky to have such an awesome mom, should cut you some slack, and just go on the potty!
It really is fucking hard. At that age, if they know they can seize control of something and turn it into a power struggle THEY WILL.
I haven't really pushed the potty training with Legume yet. It was quite a struggle with her older sister, and I'm still traumatized... But just remember, they all do eventually come around...
Amanda - thanks! I needed that.
BM - OMG it is so freaking hard. I feel like its 2 steps forward and one step back. Sunday was a DISASTER, as was apparent from my post. Then monday he decides to tell the daycare workers when he has to pee. Monday night, accidents...Then last night he told me and we made a big deal out of it. Today, he had NO accidents at the daycare, held it at the mall and on the drive home. We get home and I"m like you need to go pee. Fights, screams NO!NO!NO!!. I"m all like WTF fine don't sit on the potty. 10 min later there is pee on my kitchen floor.. URGHHH!!!
Oh... I remember that... my kid would stand on our living room carpet and just pee! On purpose! We were flummoxed - why would the kid do that, when we were asking about the need to pee stops all the time? We tried a variety of approaches, though to be honest I think what worked was the kid getting a bit older. (Now we're working on no nighttime peeing, but at least those accidents aren't on purpose.)
Oh my, peeing children, I imagine, can irritate. I hope since last week that things have gotten a bit better on your end- take some comfort in knowing that this strange phase will pass.
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