Many of you have read my first Scientiae offering which details why Summer is no longer happy happy joy joy for me. To add to the challenges, Monkeys campus daycare is closed for this week and the next. Taking a full two weeks off, when our microscope is finally up and running is not feasible, plus I work with flies. I'm constantly setting up crosses to obtain specific genotyps and doing dissections. With the genotype creation, its usually a series of crosses. I can't just put the procedure on ice. Oh how I miss cell culture!
What has my solution been? To bring the monkey with me to work. Which has been a challenge to say the least. However, what has made it feasible and non-stress inducing is that everyone has been supportive of me having him there. From my PI and my lab mates to other PI's and students in other labs. Everyone has assisted me in watching him while I start an experiment or have a discussion with someone about a science issue. I have also been considerate. I'm not coming in till around 10 am. I do some washes, set my primary and/or secondaries and then I take the monkey out for a long campus walk and some lunch. We come back for his stroller, what ever procedure I have to do and then off to walk him in his stroller for nap. I am physically exhausted, am not working at 100% but I am getting some stuff done, 1 experiment a day. This is what a supportive environment is about.
Not once has some grumbled that he shouldn't be here, not once has someone indicated that the mr should take time off. Nope everyone has been great about exclaiming the stupidity of closing daycare for 2 weeks in August. Its grant time for PI!
Anyway blogging will be lite for the next little while. Hopefully when i get back I'll remember to tell y'all about the time monkey escaped from daycare...
1 year ago
That's such a great story to hear. Sorry things are so exhausting for you.
Sounds like your lab rocks! And it is indeed stupid to close the campus daycare down... don't they know that not everyone gets a vacation?
Oh my goodness. That is indeed a challenge, to say the least!
And yes, your lab rocks. Not every PI and not all co-workers are so supportive (as you must already know). That is awesome that you are still able to keep your experiments going, even with daycare closed!
Hey, I just noticed Monkey's picture at the top of your banner. He is *so* cute in those big glasses!
That's awesome! I mean, the part about your PI and labmates. I can't believe they closed the campus daycare! Do they close every school break or just this one? Either way it's ridiculous.
I'm sorry you're so tired, but dang! What a great lab!
Glad to hear that genuine goodness is still not totally lost in mankind.:)
But that kiddo is too cute to be called a MONKEY! GRRRR!!!
What a mess! But how fantastic that it's working out to bring him to work. Thanks for sharing a positive work-kid story.
Mrs.Spit - yes its exhausting, but everything is the result of my choices, choices that I wouldn't change. I'll survive by focusing on the good things.
Cath - yes my lab does rock. Its only the new daycare groups that opened up, all because the uni doesn't / can not hire enough substitutes to enable the staff to take holidays
Bean-mom - Oh yes I know that not all labmates or PI would be supportative. This never would've happened at my old institute. Plus everyone would've complaine Mr.SM was shirking his fatherly responsibilities. I can't believe you only noticed the banner now! Its been up for months!
Amanda - it is ridiculous, and I am going to see if I can create a parental revolt
AA - totally awesome lab!
MomPhd - umm, have your read his stories!! He's a total monkey! just like curious george
EGF - it is amazing to have a positive work - kid story isn't it!
What a very frustrating situation to be put in! Sounds like your son is doing pretty well with it and your lab does rock!
You rock SM! I'm glad you are finding a way to balance everything and that you are in such a supportive environment.
I hope you get some rest. It sounds like you need it.
MicroXX - you are so good for me! I heart you!
Just peeked in and had to laugh. Your PI and a certain wonderful research associate (I think that's her status?) both had their little ones in the lab when there was no daycare for them, for longer periods at a time, if I recall. So you're in the best possible lab to be dealing with this!
Your lab sounds great! Daycare centers here close for most or all of August... that's a lot of fun for scientists with kids.
I can't believe they closed the campus daycare..... its really a great story to hear....
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