The Gods do not favour me. At. All.
Western Canada has been having a CRAZY amount of snow this year. Up at my favourite mountain, they had record snow fall. So much that the Gem Lake Express was open in January!
What does any snow loving family do under these conditions? We take a week off and head up to our condo for week of course. Except it hasn't snowed since before we arrived. We've had beautiful clear sunny sky, but no snow. It hasn't been horrible conditions, but hard packed is not what I was looking forward too.
Everyday we were expecting snow and it never came.
Until now. The evening before we leave.
We could stay an extra day (it is our condo after all) but then my brother is not here. He came for the weekend and was willing to monkeysit so that Mr.SM and I could ski together for the first time in 3 seasons.
The Gods do not favour me.
1 year ago
wow. that sucks.
bugger canadian weather. It's always out to get you!
No snow here, but freezing cold.
What's wrong with a little snow?
*ducks and runs for hiding place in Southern California*
Awwww....snow when you don't need it, and no snow when you do want it!! :(:(. Maybe sledding with Monkey will be (almost) as fun as skiing along with your hubby?
That sucks - I hope you get the chance to go back when the conditions improve.
We spent the weekend on the Island pretending it isn't winter, but given that it's supposed to snow 5-10 cm tonight/tomorrow, we can pretend no longer. So we should really get some skiing planned.
Juniper those are FIGHTING words.
To everyone: thanks for the sympathy. it is currently snowing in HomeCity and yes it is snowing at Big White..grumble grumble
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