Okay so there is a work-life balance carnival going on, or was going on yesterday over at LabSpaces. I found out about it thanks to DrugMonkey. I did thank DM for pointing it out, since you know I did cause that huge kerfuffle awhile ago....
Neways, I really did want to post about managing work-life balance and how I manage to be a grad student, mom, wife and person. Unfortunately I have no time. Because blogging is something I do as a "person" and there is very little me time right now. I listed those roles in their priority sequence. Mr.SM and me time are equal, neither is getting any...At work/school, I need to be a student and focused on studying, though that is a bit challenging after the whole comp debacle. At home, monkey needs me to be focused on him, the I have all the house chores to get done and so does Mr.SM.
Anyways, the point of me blogging mid-day is that Vijaysree Venkatraman shot me an email about her latest article in ScienceCareers. I have to say Five stars. She made sure to have pics of the male scientist being dads, talking about both the joys and challenges of being involved AND the Stigma. I am happy to see that the blogosphere was listened to. Here's to hoping this article is one of many and not just a one off.
Thanks to Vijee for sending it to me and giving me the heads up.
1 year ago
Just curious, why did you think
Vijaysree Venkatraman was a dad?
Anon - Actually I wasn't sure. Alot of Indian names are unisex, so its hard to tell someone's gender from the name alone. Since I know more male Vijee (Vij's, VJ's) than female, I guessed male...I was wrong.
Anon - I have no idea if Vijee is a parent, I made no assumption on that, just on her gender.
Some south Indian names, (I'd say ~10-20% of 'em) don't give away the gender that easy. Turns out Vijay is male, but Vijaysree is female.
Venkat - The are so many subcultures within India, that I suspect it really depends on what sub-community one is from. One can not assume gender from alot of Punjabi names, which as also been the case for some of my muslim and hindu friends. However, I know very little of many of the cultures, from Bengal, Tamils etc which used to be part of India. My bad for making a guess.
i guess you are right. sometimes, unless you are from there, it's quite hard to tell.
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